Santa Clara County Family Courts are reeling from recent attacks that were launched with the help of members from groups like Anonymous and Wiki Leaks.
For months family law judges have been trying to chill a movement that has been critical of American Family Courts. Litigants who dared to speak up lost property, children and rights. This has happened before in every court in the country , but this time it is different. This time there is help and a greater mission. Lawyers, former judges, court insiders and tenacious litigants went to work. They got help from Anonymous members and Wiki Leaks folks. They used social media and recruited media investigators empathetic to the cause. People in Contra Costa County focused on judges. People in Sacramento focused on CJP and the larger network and people in Santa Clara County focused on the State Bar and dirty family lawyers, CPAs and custody evaluators. Retaliation has been huge and many have paid the price. But those who spoke up will not sit down and the movement swells to an unstoppable force. One woman, with a complaint against an administrative branch of Santa Clara Superior Courts has emailed nearly every politician , media outlet and administrative agency , after, while represented by Jim Towery ( Now Family Judge James Towery) , her family run preschool was unfairly shuttered by a corrupt arm of Santa Clara County Courts. Her lawyer at the time , Jim Towery , told her essentially tough break, scolded her for using his legal time based on a flat rate agreement and basically told her he knew a writ for appeal was virtually impossible to win. Now with that knowledge demonstrated in 2008 James Towery sits at tax payer expense, making rulings he knows are " virtually impossible" to pursue in family law cases. Towery, now a family court judge, carries the same attitude , convinced litigants will not overthrow even his most crooked decisions. James Towery has a long history of questionable ethics along his career path. Towery was run out the state Bar after he acted as senior trial counsel and refused to prosecute his former legal cronies. Today, Towery continues to let attorney misconduct in his court flourish, including allowing a referee to disparage a woman, after Towery had concluded the hearing, and the woman had left the court, where other litigants were present. This conduct was disclosed by the DA to the Commission on Judicial Performance, when Judge Scott of Santa Clara County faced discipline. Apparently Towery is able to violate the due process rights of family law litigants, but Santa Clara County criminal litigants get help from the DA and local prosecutor. The mess Towery left after kicking his client to the curb, is now being investigated by the FBI and others for potential connections to political corruption. Towery in the meantime continues to use the bench for his former buddies like Brad Baugh and James Mc Manis. Baugh has been covered extensively in these pages, but Anonymous uncovered misconduct of James Mc Manis' firm , and a cover-up to avoid scrutiny from the State Bar as well . Details of misconduct connected to James Mc Manis and his very profitable firm will be published shortly. Out- of-the area lawyers have been overheard complaining about Towery for the past three years. Seasoned local lawyers refuse to take cases with Towery for his clear tolerance of the " good old boy legal network " and where a clear intolerance for women and pro per litigants persists in nearly every case. A courtroom betting pool is reportedly going on inside the Sunnyvale Courthouse as investigators evaluate who showed more bias in family law cases; Mary Ann Grilli or James Towery. As Mary Ann Grilli took the reigns of the family law court corruption from Judge Stewart in the early 2000's , James Towery appears to have been well groomed by Mary Ann Grilli to take over the reign of terror in the Sunnyvale Family Courthouse as Mary Ann Grilli faces greater scrutiny with a plan to slip off into retirement, just like Judge Stewart.
Karla Holt
5/12/2016 08:28:35 pm
Please send Help in Virginia..I have a case that's been going on for 7 years and April 11,2016 A director blew the whistle to me..I recorded it..The courts know of my evidence and are really mentally torturing me and my 4 yr old daughter..Today 9 months 8 days with out my son who is 9 yr old..please come to va I have evidence on the judge,school,doctor, therapist, and the child protective services supervisor Bradley went up Albemarle County Department of Social Services and Virginia I discovered an email that he wrote to my ex attorney saying that he personally cut my case that he could manage to control me and that's within the first three sentences I have evidence in my apartment I don't go anywhere without it keep everything with me if someone could please reach out to me and help me because if I can get my case forward I will be able to help other families here in Virginia.. my number 434-609-8484
5/13/2016 03:04:38 am
You are not alone. I also need help as many do. I am the x-wife of a son of a Judge. I know of and have plenty of evidence in Virginia against the whole system .. The Corruption goes all the way up to our Terry McAuliffe. We do need help here in Virginia more than most people know. I am in every court trying to make change. My story can be read at and you can read many other stories. @ProSeAm I tweet out many stories -
kristy zafar
8/7/2016 04:27:10 pm
Again, in Virginia, i am holding evidence that the state has put in place a federally mandated protocol to show compliance, but it is an empty black hole, such that even the court clerk says, "We have no protocol." By bringing out this evidence, to avoid embarrassment, the state instead is trying to bury this information. Yet, this is the very information that could set many free. With statutory violations of federal laws, fraud on the court, and racketeering---things I could not imagine---the courts are trying to silence the voices because it would reveal the depth of corruption in the state. I am thankful I have all this on record in the court because no one would believe it, and like Karla Holt, I have my own copy as I know evidence like this has been shown in so many instances to "disappear" from record.
8/8/2016 06:25:17 pm
You would be wise to fete the part that says u Cary the stuff in your appartment and on your person. It's dangerous. Buy a lock box that can withstand elements and bury your documents. Make sure a map is made...hiding thAt will take brainstorming.
Bridge to Brooklyn
5/13/2016 02:42:58 am
What these people are doing deplorable.
5/13/2016 04:19:44 am
Don't give up you are not alone - I am trying to raise the funiding to make a difference. JAMJustice will be a software where all across America we will be able to enter our case information and at the other end will come out what should happen in a Fair and unbiased court room. Remember a divorce case never dies - there will be time to go back and get Justice. We just need an avenue outside the Gov't, the Judiciary and Elected Officials - They police themselves and after reviewing what they do and how they ignore a person - it is chilling. The lack of integrity and that our taxes pay these people to do what they are doing to us is crazy. Their are some Court Watch groups in Brooklyn and NYC that you should reach out to for help.
Bridge to Brooklyn
5/14/2016 10:13:53 pm
Hey Jam. We've talked before.
Fire and Lightening
5/13/2016 11:17:54 am
Bridge to Brooklyn. I feel you. I know your loss and suffering. You're not alone. You are a part of something vast. So vast sometimes all you can feel is how small we are in comparison. Dont stop fighting. Your grief and anger are valid.
Bridge to Brooklyn
5/16/2016 01:10:12 am
Thank you for the kind words. I've been fighting since 2003.
11/23/2016 11:56:29 pm
We who suffer this horrible kiss and experience corrupt systems but have to hold on to our integrity and love and belief in God are a brea created from evil but we have to rise above still believe and know that there's a plan. It's horrible and I can't breathe or sleep sometimes but keep your faith like I and know that there's a plan. We are special in this and put loss will create a new level of love and greatness and our children will see. Listen to "teach your children Well" by CSN&Y.
Bridge to Brooklyn
5/16/2016 01:23:05 am
My case along with all the others she has done in the courts are sealed. I have been punished already once for someone doing a huge posting on her.
5/13/2016 03:08:14 pm
He must be from the same law school as Judge John H Sugiyama. I bet they all go to Asshole School at night. During one appearance in my disgusting probate series of frivolous hearings one brown-nosing attorney told Sugiyama he was quote "delightful" unquote, after Sugiyama suggested an older woman could be "burned" out of her house then. Then in the next sentence said he had "an affinity for accountants" because he had several in his family as he handed Kathryn Korn "Esq" a $7,000 accounting task as a matter of course, mocking my objection to her ethics violations on paper by saying, "Don't mess with Ms Korn!", as in the published, "Don't mess with Stan Petter", an attorney I paid $35 to talk to for 1 half hour that they directly put on the bench as a pro tem to leave me defenseless. Every sick trick in the book goes unprosecuted. These people are out of control/EVIL AS FUCK.
5/13/2016 03:34:50 pm
and the FBI don't count on it. when I called it took 30 seconds for me to say my name, be yelled at, and told to "get an attorney", and hung up on me. lawmakers are men, lawmakers are attorneys. we're on our own.
Miss my daughter
8/12/2016 03:50:48 pm
John Sugiyama is the antichrist. He kept me in probate fighting for my 3 month old daughter for 6 years. I spent $80,000. in attorney fees.
8/12/2016 04:23:48 pm
I would give yo see your court files.
Miss My Daughter
8/23/2016 05:37:35 pm
I have the ENTIRE court file. The First Appellate Project handed it over after I was denied representation from them - apparently I'm not indigent despite losing my home, my car, etc. due to the financial toll fighting this for six years has taken on me.
Lisa Barham
1/15/2018 09:09:14 am
Judge John H. Sugiyama (CCCSC) should be removed from the bench. My 93 year old Grandmother (suffering from Dementia) went to the trouble and expense of putting a Living Trust together, naming her family as Power of Attorneys for Health and Finance. We moved my Grandmother to OR to take care of her, but when her husband of 18 years feared he would have to leave HER home, he had his niece and nephew-in-law (Dr.!) file a Petition to appoint a Professional Fudiciary as Conservator. Judge Sugiyama granted the petition thru an Ex Parte hearing - family members were not even notified. Needless to say, this has been a 2 year legal battle, costing my Grandmothers Trust/Estate over $400,000 - most of which has gone to his Attorney buddies. During one court appearance, Judge Sugiyama called my Grandmother's house "a Money Tree", and ordered the Trustees to rent it out, vs. selling it. Who is he to tell us what to do?? Ya, it's a money tree for all of his Attorney cronies to get their hands on! He dismissed a motion to have my Grandmother's husband help pay for her care - really?? And my Grandmother's "Court Appointed Attorney" Matthew Talbot put a judgement on her house for over $14,000! I don't think he ever spoke to my Grandmother!! And rest assured, all of this was done without my Grandmother knowing this was ALL costing her - she was 93 at the time and suffered from Dementia. Who does this to an elderly person who has worked so hard for everything her entire life??!! Judge Sugiyama, and all involved, really need to worry about where they are going to spend eternity!!
1/17/2019 07:47:28 pm
I couldn't AGREE with you more regarding Judge Sugiyama:
6/25/2019 03:40:49 pm
Hi Lisa & Tessa!!
12/25/2019 03:03:24 pm
I'm with you. I one my case but suffered horribly and unnecessarily. Not sure I can say I really won. This Contra Costa County "corruption" Court will not be allowed by me to reap the benefits of it's crimes. I have to document everything and publish it. This is only legal way I know to expose these corrupt legal whores. I want to bring the whole system down. I am full of hate due to the abuse I saw from these horrific legal whores. I hvew the brains and the anger to get something done. contact me if you wish. My story with this CCC probate crime scheme is more important to me than life itself. I am on your side. I am figuring out a way for us all to get together in confidence and privacy. Revenge is acceptable in this kind of situation so let's gear up for the take down. 5/15/2016 05:37:24 pm
This sickens me !@#$%^&*(@# We are finding the same unconscionable behavior in Michigan. I have contacted 52+ public officials in MI. and not one will help.. These "forced orders of pain and penalty" never end for the children and families, and that IS the biggest threat to our country.
8/23/2016 07:23:58 pm
miss my daughter. post your case file#, mom's name and address. Just the fact Cain was the attorney is cause for suspicion. Probate attorneys in Contra Costa County are afraid of her because of her cozy relationship with this judge. We all know by mow Sugiyama is the evil Devil.
Miss My Daughter
8/26/2016 03:37:35 am
disgusted - I have LOTS of other stuff I could tell you about that I can't post here. I went to great lengths to obtain info on Cain. She doesn't even bother to hide her dirtbag tactics in Sugiyamas courtroom. He is just tickled with her. Whenever she is addressing him she speaks in a baby-like tone. There has been speculation the two of them are riding the hobby horse. The thought of it is so vile, I almost vomitted in my mouth. 5/15/2016 07:44:06 pm
You could contact 152 public officials , they would all ignore you . Post names of judges or lawyers and others in MI will find you . Please use an email for such contact , not related to your court cases, to prevent judicial retaliation. Verify you are talking to victims, not court moles trying to hunt you down to retaliate.
Fatima Katumbusi
5/17/2016 05:15:10 am
Great suggestion.
christi phillips
5/18/2016 06:30:16 am
Thank you for the info.! I would greatly appreciate any suggestions of where to post their names. Thank you, Christi
8/6/2016 07:42:25 pm
please tell us how one can verify.
5/15/2016 10:42:10 pm
Attorneys are trained in Law Schools how to retaliate and destroy their apponant. Which is anyone who figures out the racket. We must infiltrate the law schools, the fraternities, not just the courthouses. Let's start in Northern California. These stories need to be made public. People's names need to be made public. Our names need to be made public to protect us if we end up dead on the side of the road, a warning I received by an attorney. Judges do retaliate and they will use organized crime to carry out their mission of terror and torture. War Crime mentality/tactics are put in play to destroy their target, make no mistake. I've had everything done to me imaginable. they expect me to sit cowering in my house and I've been told to not come out of my house. There is a War on Women and poor people. It's as if we live in the USSR. An illegal Land-Grab and Asset Pilfering plan has been in place unchecked by the powers-that-be in the State Bar at the CJP. This Is War. There is safety in numbers. We need to come out from behind the veil to flush them out from behind theirs. Dept. 14, Martinez, Ca. is the Bowel of Hell. Sugiyana is the devil, and Ron Mullin his number one patsy.
8/5/2016 06:02:22 pm
You could not have stated in better. Judge Sugiyama and his cronies work together to truly land-grab, and take as much $ as they can in favor of this mockery of a court. There is simply no oversight, it is like organized crime, where a hint that you are on to them, he will just retaliate, and break all the rules, with the help of clerks, other judges, etc. He put one on his bench whom he knows is guilty of serious wrongdoing, he protects them. It is all so upsetting to render one almost paralyzed. We just cannot be afraid and give up.....
1/17/2019 08:13:22 pm
I have files, evidence, text conversations, etc.. of exact people mentioned, plus more. My situation was I was special administrator for my parents estate and removed of that, so Carol Wu can step in and illegally have my roommate & I evicted without proper notice, then having 15 days to legally get our / my 50 years of personal property in a 4 bedroom 2 bath fully furnished house, to find out on the 5th day, the entire house is gutted?? Ron Mullin ( Lawyer of 40+ years, his colleague in these evil acts) I ended up with after my Great, amazing, probably only Honest Attourney Daniel Maloney LEFT his firm making Mullin now having my probate case all beveled a slow living nightmare right before my eyes. This wasn't a Foreclosure. My rights completely stripped and all of my very sentimental personal property TOSSED IN A DUMPSTER on the 5th day of my legal 15 I had. I couldn't get any representation from Council, to save my life. They are all in cahoots, I am convinced. Dave Hammerlin, Nathan Pastor, even crooked Brokers/ Realtors are obviously involved. Such as: Kevin Roberts, JORGE Soto, Karol Korn, also played a roll with this unjustly situation I have been put in and just want this wrong to be Right. How? Please Help
The Corruption Is Rampant In Contra Costa County
5/25/2019 05:12:54 pm
If Nathan Pastor's name is involved with your proceedings, the chances are 99% that he is complicit in one way or another. Mullins Law Firm of Concord is another questionable entity posing as elder law attorneys.
Amy Wilensky
5/16/2016 10:15:28 pm
Massive corruption in NY Supreme Court--Judge Matthew Cooper, attorneys Amy Saltzman and Larry Goodman, Sandra Schpoont, "evaluator" Bernice Schaul--all connected, so many horror stories, know there are investigations happening at high levels but people need to combine forces to expose the unethical and illegal activity and sheer torture of children and of course the money trail.
5/17/2016 05:51:00 am
Parental Alienation is part and parcel of the Family Courts. Children are being Brainwashed against their noncustodial parents and entire sides of their family. The Best Interests of the Children are NOT being served... Family members are leaving this life without reunification with these beloved children, grandchildren nieces , nephews etc.... Are these children even allowed to grieve for the lost loved ones?? Are they living in fear of the repercussions for wanting to see their other parent and family..or are they so severely isolated and alienated that they hate someone they loved more than life itself???
8/6/2016 07:32:31 pm
they also routinely alienate elders, and custodial parents as well if the lawyers, Courthouse employees and judges can make a buck. it doesn't matter what side. it doesn't matter what political affiliation. it only matters if there's property and asset and money at stake. and if you have a favored attorney. the attorneys write these petitions, Trusts, these faux documents for their bastardized livelihoods and for themselves to benefit first. anyone can win with any facts or figures if they have enough money to pay the favored attorneys, end of story.
5/25/2019 05:18:12 pm
That's how these law firms operate. And with a judge to accommodate their ulterior motives, estates are squandered to their benefit. As you have noted earlier, the court clerks are not to be trusted either. Way too many mis-filings and lost documents to the contrary of these proceedings. Something has to be done.
5/17/2016 08:19:44 am
I need every bit of help that I can get. My divorce and post issues have been going on for over 9 years now and it seems like nothing will ever change. I never did anything to my kids bad yet my ex took them and was allowed to move them out of state. Also he is supposed to pay me alimony and I had a hearing on that and now they want another hearing when I am disabled still and my alimony is based on that status. Also, my ex lied constantly and committed perjury but nothing is being done about it. Also he doesn't follow any of the orders and gets away with everything. I don't understand how someone gets away with all of this and he keeps living his life and hear I am not knowing anything about my children anymore and can't afford to live.
8/6/2016 07:22:45 pm
I believe the ACLU needs to be called to the carpet also for doing absolutely nothing for disabled females who are COLLECTIVELY in trouble having their civil rights and ADA eligibility accommodations routinely violated in family and Probate Court and outside the court with the blessing of the Court
Tracie Gonsolid
5/18/2016 01:39:29 am
The same exact thing is going on here in Solano County CA with a family law judge by the name of Cynda Unger. All you have to do is Google her name and you can read many others complaints. Also I need to write my story and get it onto the right hands.
8/6/2016 07:16:20 pm
would you be willing to post your story with names on this website?
1/17/2019 08:22:17 pm
5/18/2016 05:05:10 am
gavelbangers and robingroom scrubbed my story. I think they have been threatened by attorneys.
8/5/2016 06:06:17 pm
My count is that between gavelbangers and robing room some 70-80 stories were deleted. When you post print a copy. I was able to print some of the stories, when they were growing and more shocking. Do the people deleting, wait until it happens to them! How can they do this. I hope this post will not delete!
8/6/2016 07:14:58 pm
would you be willing to post here what you copied from those sites which are now deleted?
Miss My Daughter
8/26/2016 08:51:10 am
Why is it that Gavelbangers no longer allows comments and ratings for John H. Sugiyama? Correct me if I'm wrong but I believed it to be a no bias website.
8/26/2016 11:43:18 am
Yes, robingroom is owned by lawyers afraid of judges and other lawyers seems. Gavelbangrs is corrupted obviously as sugiyama had the most of any judge complaints. now he's holding at a cool 12. robingroom misleads and say he had 10stars because some brown-nosing lawyer put 10 stars while other people put 0. the trick there is to do the stars thing and see what him a new one like they've done to so many innocent people and go ahead and name his favorite lawyers: Ron Mulling, etc.. Carolyn Cain -my brother's attorney until he fired her. he was winning until then when sugiyama jumped on Korn, my other brother's corrupt attorney. Kathryn Korn is as sickeningly coy as the first. It is truly vomit-worthy to watch them flirt with this judge in court and I stated so on paper and filed it. and I've had two comments here not posting too. it took 28 yrs, seven racketeering attorneys, three criminal brothers, several cops, two mayors and a prominant family ex husband's disgruntled kin (who've infiltrated the government, my hometown and even high school reunion believe it or not) to take me down since the eighties so don't feel bad about going to court naively believing you would get any help from anyone in Martinez. this is a place that needs to be fumigated and publicly admonished and soon before they harm themselves further as they are being exposed trying to cover up the crimes that were so arrogantly and flagrantly displayed for all for years without admonishment or oversight. please put your complaint together and send it to the CJP. if it's audited and if we're lucky they will look into cases. there is a possibility that cases could be reopened on technicalities. I believe there is strength and safety in numbers! my heart bleeds for you. they tried to take my infant but I somehow through the grace of the universe prevailed. I am a 59 year old, independent woman and they have taken all this time to continue to try to take over her mind. she is now moving on to the cult lawyer's property(666 advocate) who's one of the most diabolical family law lawyers who's jumped in to snag my daughters to be his "dancing girls". He calles me "the gold digger" to them(?!)for winning a decade of back child support self representing.. not alimony mind you. he poses as a civil rights attorney now days to throw everyone off. this is a big Illuminati type plan/agenda with big powerfull, International players. And it is not just here in America but permeates the world. first world order crap. Our stories are truly unbelievable and I plan on shouting it from the mountain top until the day I die or justice is served. they ARE trying to kill me to silence me. They may succeed but then I'll have died for justice and have gone down swinging.
5/18/2016 07:14:59 am
I'd post at gavel and robingroom just to see what happens. I would also let the Bar Association in your county and State know, and the American Bar Association just to have a report and copy that you did. I'd like to see a newspaper let us take out an advertisement listing names of suspect attorneys and judges and have our names next to their names. maybe court case File numbers. It would probably take up an entire newspaper. I'm even thinking it might be time to get together and file a class action lawsuit against the federal government for letting this go on. There is no way that this is happening without their knowledge and understanding. No way. Be prepared for backlash all grievance processes are a farce to glean sensitive information to use against the complaintant. Stay strong . Keeping with your support group
christi phillips
5/18/2016 10:33:12 am
Thank you. I will get to posting. I like the newspaper idea. I agree that they all know what's going on. Our US justice dept. called it "illegal" in this article
8/5/2016 06:10:51 pm
I am considering all options as well. I am thinking of a federal case as well. I have to admit I am afraid which holds me up in part. Where on earth to find an attorney who would be willing to call out the government. I can see it now, high court judges as I read a case just now, incredibly saying probate court judgments are considered a good as any other court, that we can't undo them! Probates have to be rushed to an end. Of course, before we realize we have been taken!
Miss My Daughter
8/27/2016 05:37:48 pm
I posted a bunch of stuff on Rants and Raves in Craigslist. The titles went something like Contra Costa County Gangrape Kidnaps Infant.
8/27/2016 06:52:37 pm
Isn't Cain's dad an attorney? When talked to Robert Bolt via lawyer referral and told him my brother's friend, attny Terry Doyle got him to hire her (Doyle being the lawyer I fired who then rigged my mom Trust to render me defenseless at probate) Bolt said, "uh-oh, she's aggresive". Whatever she is, she's as crooked as they all appear to be. Of course Sugiyama got bolt on the bench to render him "inappropriate" for me to use for advise. The only advise he ever gave me though was, " your best bet is having a loving trusting relationship with your kids". Wtf? you have not lost your mind, you have found your voice. Judge can't legally restrict your 1st amendment rights. Not that they abide by everything legal.
Miss My Daughter
8/27/2016 07:48:08 pm
Carolyn Cain is of "Cain and Cain" law firm. Yes, the other Cain was her father. He is no longer of the living. Its just her now. She is a divorced mother of two daughters. One is older and married. The other, different father, is still in high school and has a terrible relationship with her.
Miss My Daughter
8/27/2016 08:09:28 pm
The bottom line is these judges and attorneys are a bunch of out of control sociopaths. For Sugiyama to sit through my testimony and hear all the evidence and terminate my parental rights like he did - there is simply no other explanation.
8/27/2016 09:17:54 pm
all Psychopaths and sociopaths are paranoid that the tactics they use are being used on them, and, they form gangs because they are afraid of their own shadow so love to instill pain and fear.. it's textbook. But yeah, by now we know it is a for-profit and power racket. Sick waste of human existence.
Jane Thomas
5/18/2016 04:29:03 pm
I am in Contra Costa I have an open case. I have some evidence of corruption.
8/6/2016 07:11:39 pm
do you feel comfortable naming names and of making your case file number public?
5/18/2016 05:27:47 pm
if you are up against sugiyama he will keep your case open so you can not take it out of his courtroom to appeal or otherwise sue in civil court for "tortious interference". he has done this to me. my file is open after 3 years, my only "crime" is being a beneficiary in Pro per. I am disabled and he has let his favored attorneys low-income shame me in court. I have challenged him in open court. this man is ruthless as are his parasitic clique of corrupt attorneys who will do whatever it takes to get the land, property, and assets from beneficiaries by way of creating "Trusts" that benefit them first. Understand this is our life's greatest task, to stand up against the corruption in Probate and Family Court. These people are pure evil.
8/5/2016 06:15:23 pm
This is the complete truth. I was over and over again victim in this court, what he did was retaliate on me, and in constructive contempt of court switch the orders (a scheme between him and the probate attorney) to dispose of assets to stop what he knew was mine. He then put the criminal attorney on the bench, who is still there. So overwhelmed.
8/6/2016 07:07:50 pm
do you feel comfortable about meeting the lawyers and others who were involved?
8/9/2016 09:04:36 am
I meant 'listing', NOT "meeting".
11/24/2016 01:42:38 am
They switched the orders in our case too. One served, the final rubber-stamped, predated and hidden months before the trial so I would not get a copy to respond to. I had the foresight to quick-send for the minute orders that proved the game/setup/lies towards entrapment and extortion, and that clerks are real busy running the racket.
8/24/2016 10:24:35 pm
That is exactly what he has done to me and is currently doing. I can't believe this is happening to so many people.
8/24/2016 10:37:23 pm
Do you feel comfortable naming lawyers and other "professionals" involved?
10/13/2017 08:34:11 am
This has been my experience as well, Judge Sugiyama orders continuance after continuance despite the fact that we have asked him to make a ruling. He openly admitted that he cannot make a ruling because [opposing counsel] would not be able to get me to cooperate. It has been more than two years. I also know that he has spoken about the details of my case outside the courtroom, stating that if the case went to trial he would have to recuse himself due to conflict of interest. If Judge Sugiyama knows he’s got a conflict of interest, why doesn’t he recuse himself now?
Judge Swope Watch
6/3/2016 06:53:40 pm
Corrupt Judge Raymond Swope's son has been arrested at least 5 separate times for possession of heroin, but never prosecuted. This genius, who raised a heroin addict, is in charge of determining how children should be raised.
1/31/2017 05:27:11 am
Judge Swope was the best family court judge in San Mateo County. My heart goes out to him for what he must be going through because of his son. Probably because of what he himself has gone through he is an incredibly sensitive and empathetic judge, a real jewel in the corrupt court system.
Family Court Victim
10/6/2018 07:17:42 pm
Judge Raymond Swope was voted the worst family Law Judge in San Mateo. Just because he showed bias in your favor you appear to think he is not corrupt. 8/8/2016 06:55:20 pm
Child was taken from me ("possession is 9/10th of the law pertains to children as well"-seneca county NY judge)and resides with parent 2 in ontario county . custodial parent files a support violation after I am unable to pay due to unemployment after being deemed disabled by doctor. Ontario county judge suggests support be temporary on hold till my disability is approved, I decline offer and insist on paying SOMETHING. my disability is denied (common for first time filers) and as I'm reapplying, custodial parent files in Seneca county where his father is a freemason,buisness owner and buddies with the powers that be. I am degraded, human rights violated and held accountable for every cent of arrears (he got support raised right back up) even after I was bedridden for months after a severe injury, I paid those arrears and do so at the beginning of the year in one lump sum. I owe only 1,200 and am facing encarceration. Proof of my compliance with court ordered employment search (violated himan rights,i am disabled) have come up *missing, rescheduled court dates have NOT been mailed to me,causing me to miss a court date ( now I call every week to confirm upcoming date and times) my public defender rolls his eyes at me in court, does not explain procedings. This judge in Seneca county makes up their own rules and toutures other parents as well. My visitation is violated, child is alienated from me, nothing is done. Child was enrolled in school with their step mother being named as biological mother. Still nothing done. I am afraid to post this but will take my chances.
10/5/2016 11:13:43 am
I just got out of court and stunned by Sugiyama's friendliness with opposing attorneys and his subsequent ruling, thought I'd check him out and stumbled on this site. What I felt in his courtroom is true. Bias. Unfairness. Favoritism. Good Ole Boy appearance and rulings (as in not recognizing the obvious truth when in front of his face). I definitely would love to see him on the other side of his own bench. The opposing crony is Kathryn Schofield and her flunkee Samantha Sepehr, what a pair. There is no real justice when money and attorney favoritism trump the law and truth.
10/5/2016 05:01:04 pm
It's true. This retaliating, minor lord of Scamelot openly and brazenly engages in and encourages crime. Everyone who lives in Contra Costa County, if they are financially vulnerable, can be victimized by this State-sponsred TERRORIST Courthouse of racketeering gray lords. This type of Government ABUSE OF POWER is more than scandalous and creepy. Buyer Beware.
10/8/2016 05:06:26 pm
Watch out for the Sugiyama Crime Group. They are on a major crime spree and are on a feeding frenzy. Plain and simple, if he favors the attorney or the attorney's $$$$ plan, anything goes with this guy, no matter how illegal it is.
10/8/2016 07:25:36 pm
The guy is a pos.
10/14/2016 08:50:42 am
Jim Paulsen is a misogynist
1/7/2017 11:27:18 am
Jim Paulsen of family court services is a mediator responsible for ripping children from their mothers. Jim Paulsen might even has imported his wife from another country and used her to spawn a kid for him. He truly despises every female, especially any who call him to the carpet for failure to do his job. What will it take to remove Jim Paulsen, or better yet - his boss Magda Lopez? Clearly she won the county points in terms of filling a quota for minority hires.
2/11/2017 02:27:32 am
Pretty cool post.It 's really very nice and Useful post.Thanks
sam kinsen
12/9/2017 11:08:00 am
A little note on Jim Paulsen here. He is also in that corrupt team down at the Contra Costa County Court in Martinez. He just so happens to be riding the hobby horse and is dating the owner of the most backwards child visitation supervisors in the county. Neoma Gottlieb. There are only a handfull of people that this county allows as supervisors. Neoma is one of them and what made her a qualified to do this job is a good question. She makes many paid court appearances working hand in hand with these corrupt attorneys in Martinez. And now come to find out she and Jim Paulsen are romantically involved with each other. Works out great for Neoma as Jims court investigators request visitations with almost every parent should require supervised visitation. Its all part of that nasty pool of sharks in that court system......
1/21/2018 05:26:29 pm
Um, what?
Sarah Wiley
3/31/2018 08:35:21 pm
Jim Paulsin hates on good parents and tries to keep as many people stuck within the courts controll.......
Sam kimpson
6/29/2018 06:34:03 am
Jim Paulsin is a total piece of s..t. He doesnt do his job. Allows children to be taken away from families . He is screwing naomi of watchful eye supervisors. That is a racket in itself. He funnels all of his victims to her where she makes money of supervising parent s who want to see there children but are made to do it supervised. And she probrably gives him some sort of kickbacks
Beware Of the Sugi-Man
1/16/2019 03:36:31 pm
Judge Sugiyama operates a finely-tuned racket that benefits attorneys of both sides. Sugiyama simply allows petitioning attorneys to win while his court-appointed attorneys roll-over & play dead in order to get continuing assignments from him. It is a lucrative cash cow for countless Contra Costa County based attorneys willing to play ball with the Sugi-Man. In return, Judge Sugiyama receives glowing endorsements from the Contra Costa Bar Association come election time. Get the picture? Estates are continually being drained to stuff the greedy pockets of conniving attorneys & Sugi is the great enabler. The Court of Sugi is a nightmarish spider web. Avoid at all costs
Lisa Barham
1/22/2019 10:44:39 am
Couldn't agree more, as we have experienced this with Judge Sugiyama. Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid this travesty of so called "Justice". I'm still shocked that so many people have experienced this as well, yet he continues to get away with it!
united we stand
5/11/2019 09:45:20 am
this is because judge sugiyama and the contra costa county bar association members are united.
John Doe
2/25/2019 09:15:40 pm
Whya is going on here? I just had John Sugyama go against the law and made his own decision to give my dead mothers estate away to her husband who is still aliive. He is a crook and does not follow the law. Cmon, is there really nothing that can be done to stop this evil bastard gook?
Not Surprised At All
5/11/2019 09:49:06 am
Ensuring due process and following CA rules of court and civil procedure are not a part of Sugiyama's judicial thought process.
Aron Muse
3/14/2019 03:15:03 pm
Judge Sugiyama must be recalled or recluse himself from any further cases. No due process & he makes up his own rules favoring those attorneys who are colleagues or political supporters.
Lisa Barham
3/18/2019 11:09:58 am
Is the Contra Costa County Bar Association able to do anything about this?? Please provide details, if you are able. Thank you!
RB Cavendish
5/5/2019 08:47:43 am
Lisa, The hordes of money-grabbing Contra Costa County Bar Association attorneys working in conjunction with Sugiyama is the PROBLEM!
Aron Muse
4/12/2019 06:44:27 pm
Is it OK to create a list of Contra Costa County Bar Association lawyers who are in cahoots with Judge John H. Sugiyama?
Lisa Barham
4/19/2019 08:04:42 am
Who has to give the OK to compile this list?? I would be happy to submit the names of the Attorney's involved in our case.
Dealing with Dirty Lawyers & Judges
6/25/2019 04:07:52 pm
Here's some lawyers for the List:
A Possible Name Correction...
6/28/2019 02:39:47 pm
Assuming you meant...MATTHEW TALBOT of Walnut Creek, CA
5/10/2020 08:19:42 am
Yes, you are correct, I meant Matthew Talbot.
A Department 14 War Veteran
4/14/2019 03:33:21 pm
A list would be helpful to those appearing and/or addressing litigation in Department 14 for the first time.
Lisa Barham
4/19/2019 08:02:49 am
That seems like a very accurate statement, based on our specific Conservatorship case. My question has always been "how can this be allowed??" There were 3 Attorney's involved in our case, 2 of which were Judge Sugiyama's "cronies" (as they continue to be called). I believe the Attorney representing us was directly working with them to drag this case out for more than 2 years - and yes, legal fee's were being racked up the entire time for all 3 Attorneys (which had to be paid out of my Grandmother's Savings and Trust). Again, we are talking about the Conservatorship of a 93 year old woman with Advanced Dementia who was removed from her home and placed into a Private Care facility that she no longer had the money to pay for, Everyone involved knew that, but continued to drag the case out for their own financial benefit. This is corrupt, at the very least. Why can no one do anything about this???
An Outsider's View Of This Connundrum
5/10/2019 10:05:06 pm
It is not uncommon for opposing attorneys in Contra Costa County (and elsewhere) to operate in a complicit manner.
Aron Muse
4/15/2019 07:10:26 pm
"As a judge, I have presided over hundreds of trials and hearings and am known for my fair and decisive rulings, vast knowledge of the law and respect for the people appearing in my courtroom.
4/20/2019 08:36:00 am
So the opposite, and straight out of the Psychopath's Playbook. Sugiyama's clerks are manipulative fraudsters as well as his predatory real estate hacks and other Contra Costa Court mobsters like my ex step-daughter(co-counsel standard X / Co-CAL alumni and Atty General's office. LIST: S Perry. H Shafsky. T Doyle. R K Mullin. C Cain. K Korn. R Collari. A Feldman. J Paulsen. H Rosenberg. #RICO #retaliators
RB Cavendish
5/5/2019 08:39:45 am
YES. Be wary of the court clerk's as well in Department 14 as your correspondences by mail to the court are often 'misfiled' or lost.
^^^^What a Humble Individual...NOT!
5/10/2019 10:06:04 pm
Truth in advertising?
4/18/2019 11:09:48 pm
In other words, the opposite(psychopath's playbook).
Some Attorney Names Exposed
5/4/2019 01:43:57 pm
Complicit Contra Costa County attorneys known to be working in conjunction with John H. Sugiyama include:
RB Cavendish
5/5/2019 08:32:37 am
David Pastor & Nathan Pastor are father & son attorneys. The senior Pastor is a long-time friend of Judge Sugiyama & his son Nathan served as a law clerk under Sugiyama upon completion of law school.
RB Cavendish
5/5/2019 08:05:51 am
Nathan Pastor, Matthew Talbot & Kathryn Korn are frequently assigned as court-appointed attorneys for conservatees who are diagnosed with even the mildest cases of dementia. They are not zealous advocates on the part of the proposed conservatee & instead work with the OPPOSING attorneys petitioning for the conservatorship to ensure that it is always granted by Department 14/Sugiyama.
It Just Gets Worse
5/5/2019 09:25:35 am
Some more Contra Costa County Bar Association elder law attorneys who frequently appear as court-appointed attorneys in Department 14 conservatorship proceedings.
darby winslow
5/7/2019 02:45:50 pm
More attorney names. Please!
Don't Rock The Sugiyama Boat
5/10/2019 03:59:37 pm
You will find it very difficult to source a Contra Costa County Bar Association attorney to challenge a decision or motion in Department 14.
The Name Game
5/11/2019 06:00:26 pm
What a depressing thought.
Jesus H Christ
5/10/2019 04:23:33 am
Contra Costa is one incestuous cesspool. Your money would be better spent on a private investigator than any of its shameless attorneys if you plan to object. Retaliation plots include records hacking so check your medical records. They'll send SWAT, choppers and the paddy wagon if you dare persue just results or complain about clerks messing w/file/witness intimidation/contrived continuances/liens etc... Case-fixing, purposely created Conflicts of Interest, CCC employees impersonating family to grantor and physician, threats from the bench, misinformation to silence pro pers made defenseless by design, all tactics in this purely evil 'realm'. Mobbings, arrests, rape, break-ins, booby-trapping cars and property, harassing family and friends, all standard retaliation should you cry foul. They will take it all while the FBI does nothing. God bless America.
Cheaters Everywhere In Contra Costa Supeior Court
5/20/2019 08:18:15 am
A pro se defendant in a guardianship hearing has absolutely no recourse in this particular courtroom as the deck is stacked against them. Sugiyama is the crooked card dealer allowing the CCCBA attorneys to work in unison, cheating their way to winning the stakes. The CCCSC court clerks are the equivalent of the saloon girls bringing watered-down or drugged drinks by conveniently misfiling and misplacing key paperwork challenging these illegal courtroom activities. Newcomers to Department 14 beware!
Not Gonna Take It...The Jig Is Up
5/10/2019 03:45:08 pm
RE: The listing of complicit attorneys. It will be interesting to note if others here have dealt with these particular lawyers in their private and adversarial conservatorship and/or guardianship cases.
Sugiyama Is Satan At His Worst
5/10/2019 06:29:59 pm
Granting illegal elder conservatorships and wrongfully separating children from their natural parents is a Department 14 trademark.
A Vile Despicable Man
5/10/2019 06:36:08 pm
Need I say more? Ask others.
Sugiyama Theme Song
5/10/2019 07:16:01 pm
"Please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth & taste.
Don't Forget The Independent Court Investigator!
5/10/2019 10:53:06 pm
You folks are overlooking another key culprit.
Nobody's Fool
5/11/2019 06:19:32 am
Aron Muse
5/11/2019 07:49:13 am
Aron Muse
5/11/2019 10:10:38 am
A thread that began in 2016 is now beginning to take on a life of its own!
Here Comes The Judge
5/11/2019 04:04:16 pm
Quite a complicit clique of Contra Costa County Bar Association attorneys! They must be very proud of themselves.
Add This One To The List As Well
5/12/2019 02:46:51 pm
Has anyone had any experience with Horizon Elder Law of San Ramon?
A Bunch Of Crooks Sanctioned By Sugiyama
5/13/2019 02:05:27 pm
Court-appointed attorneys are the catalysts of these complicit courtroom proceedings because they have the option of either (1) challenging the opposing attorney's petition for an elder conservatorship/child guardianship OR (2) giving in to it at the expense of their clients.
5/14/2019 02:35:01 pm
What can be done to stop this abuse of the public trust?
E. Kroll
5/17/2019 03:35:38 pm
please add me to recipient list. thanks!
A Sickening Headcount
5/20/2019 09:11:25 am
So in a nutshell: Matthew Talbot, Nathan Pastor, David Pastor, Kathryn Korn, Tracy Regli, Carolyn Cain, Temmerman, Cilley & Kohlmann, Barr & Young, Mullins Law Firm, & James G. Schwartz +
Here's 2 more
6/25/2019 04:30:53 pm
Add David Brule in Danville, and Peter Sproul in Walnut Creek.
names & associated criminalities
5/20/2019 10:44:05 am
the court-appointed attorneys are the one-eyed jacks of this courtroom as they determine the outcome of many a guardianship proceeding. by playing along with the petitioning attorneys, they ensure that a guardianship will be granted thus creating a steady cash stream based on subsequent hearings, filings and contested rulings. instead of defending the party they are supposed to be representing, they create further conflict by acquiescing to the opposing attorneys. then they wait for the pending dissention and join in on the money grab draining family estates and personal finances. sugiyama enables this operation and apparently takes pleasure in the conflict as it allows him to play the upper hand which in turn, perpetuates his place on the bench. I am familiar with some of the aforementioned CCCBA association attorneys who are in on this scam. matthew talbot and nathan pastor of walnut creek along with tracy regli of pleasant hill and kathryn korn of orinda immediately come to mind. they are the absolute devils in this ongoing game of thievery and deceit.
The Contra Costa County Superior Court Clerks Are Involved As Well
5/22/2019 12:34:00 pm
QUOTE: So the opposite, and straight out of the Psychopath's Playbook. Sugiyama's clerks are manipulative fraudsters as well...
A Highway To Hell
5/23/2019 02:03:34 pm
Department 14 is like a bad dream that won't go away. Best avoided if possible. Once entangled in its web of deceit & larceny, there is minimal opportunity for escaping.unscathed. Others have tried & few have walked out its doors for the better. This is possibly the absolute worst judge you will ever encounter during the course of a lifetime.
Citizens Unite!
5/23/2019 06:21:01 pm
The solution:
Just A Thought
5/23/2019 10:00:59 pm
In addition to election endorsements, is it possible this guy is getting rewarded in some other manner? Professional courtesies and gift-giving incentives are a common practice in just about any profession and it wouldn't be the first or last time someone was remunerated for tipping the scales in one way or another.
We Are Not Helpless
5/24/2019 10:14:02 am
We must do everything in our power to stop the bleeding. The bar association attorneys are the leeches & the judge is a vampire bat.
Judicial Review Council Is Ineffectual
5/24/2019 01:55:58 pm
I wrote a letter to the Judicial Review Council regarding these courtroom improprieties over two years ago and received a form letter assuring me that they would investigate the matter. Nothing ever happened.
The Little Emperor
5/24/2019 09:00:24 pm
Such a horrid little man. I crossed paths with this sociopath in court during a preliminary hearing & knew right then he was going to be a human hemorrhoid devoid of any honor and sense of fair play. Acted like he was the Emperor of Martinez while a host of brown-nosing attorneys paid homage to him. Each got his or her wish and innocent victims got screwed in the process, some losing their child while others got entangled in ruthless guardianships designed to rob them blind. And then it was on to the next case & more of the same. It was like bad dream & I wondered, is this bastard for real?
Hard To Find An Honest Probate/Family Law Attorney In Contra Costa County
5/25/2019 09:35:27 am
The Proof Is In The Pudding
5/25/2019 08:43:43 pm
Remove the Judge from Your Case -
5/25/2019 10:18:38 pm
A Time To Stop The Department 14 Wheels
5/26/2019 08:49:11 am
Victims, advocates & activists against the blatant judicial malfeasance running rampant in Department 14...let's work together & put an end to it. Too many lives have been destroyed & there are others scheduled for the same fate.
Veronica Vanderhouse
2/5/2020 09:05:35 pm
Please email me I'm interested in getting involved and working together to stop these vile bastards!
Veronica vanderhouse
2/5/2020 09:07:21 pm
Please contact me. I want to get involved to t try and stop this.
Add Houseman To The List As Well
5/26/2019 02:06:23 pm
Add DOUGLAS HOUSEMAN of Cain, Cain & Houseman to the list as well. Another carpetbagger operating out of Walnut Creek (the apparent epicenter of Contra Costa County Superior Probate Court graft). May 31st is an excellent opportunity to see some of these crooks in action at department 14. A lot of conservatorship cases on the schedule and several of the aforementioned shady CCCBA attorneys will be present to showcase their talents of screwing people over...with the blessing of the Honorable Judge John H. Sugiyama presiding.
Another Day...Another Dollar
5/26/2019 07:39:33 pm
Kathryn Korn/Orinda & Carolyn Cain/Walnut Creek are both one-star attorneys who seem to do quite well in the Court of Sugiyama. It must be nice to have him as a meal ticket.
Past Cases Need To Be Reviewed
5/26/2019 08:08:26 pm
all of the guardianship cases this judge has presided over need to be reviewed for lack of due process & his total disregard for california rules of court and civil procedure. chances are many cases were wrongfully decided in order to benefit the lawyers involved in the proceedings.
Lisa Barham
5/28/2019 03:41:43 pm
Has there been any new developments on any further action against Dept. 14?
Not A Very Popular Guy
6/7/2019 03:19:24 pm
just more criticism.
Aron Muse
6/24/2019 08:42:36 am
And the Robing Room moderators are deleting posts right & left to shield the crooked attorneys involved in the complicity.
Re: Judge Sugiyama
5/29/2019 07:09:01 am
Contact the ACLU & have documentation available for pending review.
Time To Stop The Bleeding
5/30/2019 03:11:02 pm
Apparently no new updates or posts at this time but victims & litigants need to connect & mobilize.Complaints & commiserations are OK for starters but won't rectify matters. Sugiyama & his band of lawyer crooks need to be eradicated once & for all!
This Is A Problem That Needs To Be Resolved ASAP
6/12/2019 07:17:44 am
Roughly 4-5 guardianships are granted per week in Department 14 and the attorneys (both petitioning and court-appointed) are always the same ones. So we are talking close to 200+ cases per year over a period of 15 years or more. This involves a lot of money in terms of basic legal fees and court filings not to mention the additional financial outlay for subsequent hearings, contested rulings and the initiation of protective orders to ensure that these guardianships remain in place. Taking all of this into consideration, one might view these proceedings as an unregulated industry of sorts, especially when due process is blatantly ignored and disregarded by the judge. It's no wonder these types of cases are actively pursued on the part of the Contra Costa County attorneys specializing in elder and family law as each new case represents a blank check opportunity. Getting back to the earlier cited numbers, there must be close to 2,500-3,000+ cases on the books representing these types of cases during Judge Sugiyama's reign on the bench and this has involved a considerable amount of money being paid out of trust assets, future inheritances and out of pocket costs. Without doing the math, we are talking multi-millions of dollars flying out the door, money that should have rightfully remained in the possession of where it originated (i.e. elder trust assets, children's inheritances, litigant's pocketbooks et al). All things considered, this is a legalized bank robbery and whether it can ever be stopped remains to be seen. From another perspective, this problem also goes beyond the money involved as the measures being taken to ensure this type of graft represent civil rights violations and ruthless examples of human cruelty imposed by a judge who apparently is OK with it. This in and of itself are grounds for review, reprimand and expulsion from the bench.
URGENT - File Your Complaint!
6/13/2019 07:23:56 am
If you really want to put an end to this injustice, it's time to file for an investigation by the CA State Auditor's Office. The more complaints, the better.
Sugiyama Discussion Picking Up Steam In The Robing Room
6/15/2019 10:06:35 am
Curious as to whether the judge ever reads these judicial reviews (if at all) and wondering what he makes of them in the event he does.
Department 14 Cover-Up
6/24/2019 09:01:14 am
The Robing Room has removed many posts pertaining to the shady goings on in Department 14 including the names of participating attorneys and court staff involved.
A Losing Battle?
6/16/2019 08:34:55 am
Is the corruption in Department 14 so firmly implanted now that nothing can ever be done to remedy it?
Court Corruption Firmly Embedded In Contra Costa County Superior Probate Court
6/24/2019 09:29:13 am
^^^Your points are well-taken as this collusion has been going on for some time now and none of the above parties want it exposed including the Court Clerk and Court Investigator's offices.
Another Life Destroyed In Department 14
6/16/2019 09:15:23 am
Having lost EVERYTHING (home, automobile, life savings) due to the legal expenditures involved in challenging a guardianship case in Judge Sugiyama's courtroom, all I can say is someday and somewhere this particular judge and his band of crooked attorney colleagues will have to answer to a far higher authority than those they have exploited and destroyed for money in the temporal universe. This court is rigged and the local attorneys work in conjunction alongside the judge to predetermine court decisions.
Robing Room Protecting Judge Sugiyama & Crooked Lawyers?
6/24/2019 09:14:29 am
Having perused their website over the past few weeks, I've noticed that a large number of posts criticizing the integrity of Judge Sugiyama and naming the complicit lawyers actively involved in the procurement of unlawful elder & child guardianships have been deleted.
RB Cavendish
6/28/2019 12:25:46 pm
The Robing Room is a forum for attorneys to get 'a read' on a particular courtroom environment.
Welcome To Reality Judge
6/24/2019 06:35:36 pm
Sugiyama is reciprocating to all of the law firms, lawyers and special interest groups that have supported him over the past years during his re-election campaigns.
A Difficult Problem To Resolve
6/25/2019 06:52:55 am
What some people don't seem to get is that it's the Contra Costa County Bar Association calling the shots. Sugiyama is but a mere puppet or stooge.
A Desperate SOS
6/25/2019 07:18:00 am
Jane and John Q. Public > please advise & assist in this matter.
In A Not So Distant Future
6/26/2019 08:47:44 am
I am sincerely hoping that all of aforementioned injustices are someday overcome and that those responsible for enabling these misdeeds be held accountable for their actions.
Thank Goodness For Jane&JohnQPublic
6/27/2019 08:01:33 am
This appears to be the only forum remaining to address the unlawful activities taking place in Department 14.
In Appreciation As Well
6/28/2019 08:42:53 am
Agreed. Jane&JohnQPublic provide an invaluable platform for the voices that need to be heard.
Jeanie Is At Odds With Department 14 too!
6/28/2019 12:43:51 pm
It is also far more civil in here than in the RR. Though litigants and family victims are outraged by the pervasive corruption taking place in Department 14, contributors to this particular forum are coming together & sharing their various experiences in hopes of better days ahead.
Perpetual Department 14 Crime
6/28/2019 08:02:25 am
These conflicts are always centered around gaining access to and assuming control of someone else's money & real property.
An Indictment Against Sugiyama & CCCBA Attorneys
6/29/2019 06:31:49 am
This judge steals elders and children alike. He disables further the already disabled. He favors his pack of jackal attorneys and let's them decide, opting out. he sits there and does nothing but mock Pro Se litigants and interferes with testimony and evidence by ignoring it. He has no clue what is going on until someone catches on and then he's Full Speed Ahead both barrels cocked, with his threats. He is political when he should be non-biased, and he let's his own lawyer have the final word in any dispute that comes. He lets the court-appointed and trustees' lawyer decide without any input from beneficiaries that they immediately make enemies out of if they haven't spent any money on the court. Like predators do, they go for the easy prey and it is nothing but illegal and dishonorable. Lawyers be damned, every one, because every one knows this goes on and not one does what they are required to do ethically, and turn these culprits in. Same all judges.
A Crime Against Elder Citizens
6/29/2019 08:22:28 am
The money grab concocted by greedy conservators and their equally avaricious attorneys is bad enough...but what about the mental & emotional cruelty they are imposing upon elder conservatees (i.e. a surviving parent) who simply wants to spend his/her remaining days in moderate comfort & with peace of mind?
10/1/2019 10:54:30 pm
John is the worst. I was involved in a probate case & had prove a sibling changed trust & he ignored all evidence & it is totally rigged for who has the lawyer paying for it out of trust money. It is devastating to see this done to elders estates. If we go out into the world & commit a crime we get the book throw at us, but this same people who claim to be judges & attorneys & anyone else need & should be held to the same standards actually even more so than the public. But now that am older I understand how corrupt every area of this world (like the goverment) was designed to be corrupt. Everything is about money. Just learned that if a person gets assistance from the state & child support is also given to her no matter what amount the non custodial parent pays they only receive $50 are you serious? We need to go to war with our own goverment & take this country back & put people in place of all these crooks otherwise nothing is going to change or get better.
Michelle Robertson
10/8/2019 04:45:42 pm
I'm going through the this too. Why can't we all go the the media with this. Please contact me if anytime wants to try something to do about this!
Michelle Robertson
10/12/2019 01:32:28 am
why can't we all get together AND DO SOMETHING!! Get the media involved, there has to be something we can do or someone that can help stop this !!!!
Another Dept. 14 Family Victim
2/18/2020 09:22:39 am
Department 14 is a rigged court & Sugiyama is the 'Don' with a loyal band of soldiers (aka CCC Bar Association probate attorneys). THEY ARE ALL IN CAHOOTS & stealing elder trust assets blind.
Red Rover
4/27/2020 02:50:00 pm
Dept. 14 is corrupt and staffed by the most sinister. The best remedy is for the victims to join forces and freely communicate. More "lawyers" "judges" and their ilk will only produce the same wicked results. We The People will have to lead the charge. It's time to confront corruption with bravery. Yes there will be retaliation from these miscreants. However, there is strength in numbers. Ya ready?!
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