Orange County Corruption can be seen in family law cases where couples are rushed into secret proceedings before private judges or stripped of their children by CPS. Orange County Sheriffs are accepting bribes to send divorce lawyers extra business. These cops have been known to hide evidence, rig reports and arrest parents to bring lawyers more busienss. Judge Dolnick has a stream of bribes being funneled through his brother, infamous divorce lawyer Keith Dolnick. 'Court whistleblowers report that David Yamasaki, the Orange County's executive court clerk, is using the court's e-filing system, private judge cases, and minor's counsel appointments made in family court cases to fund a complex enterprise that seeks to convert real estate equity of families to feed revenues for large social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter. Google and Instagram and private divorce lawyers representing executives and high level employees from these firms. Court insiders report Facebook is hiring former court and DA employees as part of an effort to engineer court cases, suppress embarrassing information on government employees as to assist in the developing of facial recognition technology that will assist large political disruption rings involved in sex and drug trafficking in the 2020 election. Neda Rehman, a former employee in Victim Witness Services employee , was reportedly hired to help Facebook learn about flaws in prosecutions and victim services that will better assist them in developing the technology. She additionally is providing confidential victim information to assist Facebook in targeting advertising revenues for lawyers acting in family law and criminal court cases. Rehman is reportedly paid $200,000 a year, and received additional compensation to payoff her former Uber executive husband to secret her conduct. The deal was sealed by " notary" and attorney Valerie Tarvin, with the help of Santa Clara County prosecutors Admir Alem and DDA John Chase. Additionally, papers known as the Mitchell Papers were discovered in North Carolina, shortly after Elise Mitchell, a Santa Clara County divorce attorney traveled to the area for her annual Timeshare where she met members of the enterprise working in Orange C0unty and operating trafficking rings for the NFL in Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Indiana and Michigan. Ronald Peck of Contra Costa County was noted in the papers for payments connected to extraordinary community estate cases, but also cases involving middle class divorces with lawyers that include Heather Lester, an attorney who works for the enterprise's bread and butter. Mr. Yamasaki has been decorated with awards from California's Judicial Council, the state agency charged with operating the courts. He began his career of corruption in Northern California, where he worked as the court's top clerk in Santa Clara County where he was responsible for implementing the court's technology, including the court's new e- filing systems. Yamasaki ran the bidding and technology teams for the courts, while acting on the court's executive team such that he was ultimately able to contract the implementation of the Odyssey system. the electronic filing system that files court documents and will convert the state's paper files to electronic data. Contained in that data are family court records, and financial information on employees and businesses operating in California. Information that has tremendous value on the Dark Web and that is often used by criminal scammers. Sharon Roper, a private attorney turned court's settlement officer, continues to be operating the enterprise in Northern California, as Yamasaki moved to Orange County in 2017, after implementing the Odyssey system in Santa Clara and Monterey counties. Whistleblowers inside the private tech firm operating the court's new technologies report Yamasaki programed the system to conceal work deficiencies, cases that would embarrass local judges and lawyers as well as cases that evidence the worst corruption after families lost homes or children under the color of law. More importantly the system was designed to conceal minor's counsel and private judge appointments from the press, public and litigants, all as an effort to avoid detection. Mitchell Papers Found in North Carolina Offer More Details The scheme works by getting CPS cases, divorce or custody cases into the court where one side has a favored attorney involved in the scheme, as the other side is self- represented or hires an attorney from out of the area or not in the scheme. David Yamasaki programed the court's system to assign judges to certain cases. This is done on either an initial filing, reassignment or by transfer. Judges in on the scam pressure parties to get into private judging, where their cases, and the outcomes, do not appear on public dockets. Other traps are appointments of minor's counsel, that provide for a small group of lawyers to appointed in each county to represent the best interest of children. These lawyers do anything but represent children for a positive outcome. Most children represented by a lawyer during their parent's divorce case end up permanently separated from a parent with no money and more often than not have depression, anxiety and thoughts of suicide that plague them for the remainder of their lives. Yet the court appointments continue to feed the criminal enterprise. Lawyers Representing Children: According to the Mitchell papers minor's counsel appointments are the greatest sham in the state. Outlawed following a state audit of Marin and Sacramento, the practice continues in areas of California with high property values where these court appointed lawyers are allowed to bill for as long as 10 years, until a child ages out of the system, all in the name of the "best interest of the children". Investigations with children who group up with these appointments show the lawyers who represented them were most often drunks, druggies or psychopaths who spent the majority of the time inciting conflicts within their family simply to make more money. Examples of conflicts include returning to court for fighting over one or two days of custody time. Bickering over what a child will wear or what classes and camps they will be ordered to attend. Informally these minor's counsel begin early on discrediting a parent who is self represented or represented by a lawyer not part of the enterprise. The court case usually resembles more of a high school bullying exercise, than a court of law. Parents are called "crazy", "abusive" or "unfit" and divorce and custody cases can be drawn out 5-10 years by sticking to such a script. Mostly children attempting to report verbal, financial, emotional or physical abuse are just ignored. In one case a parent described his teen aged step son opted to wear ratty shoes to school. The school called CPS and the community began donating money for the boy as if he were homeless. The boy's father is a top executive for Google who is represented by a lawyer known for his involvement in Santa Clara and San Mateo county corruption. That same lawyer, while representing a Google security employee in Santa Clara was heard harassing a self-represented mother over soccer and vacation schedules, where he threatened to keep bringing the mother back to court if she would not agree to give up her claims for child support reimbursement and medical payments. The judge threatened to appoint a lawyer for the boy, even as his mother had no lawyer to represent her and her child. Custody Evaluator Appointments In Orange County lawyers are reportedly working directly with Yamasaki to rig divorce and custody cases such that private judge David Weinberg and JAMS judge Sheila Sonenshine are appointed as private judges. Mariam Galindo and her husband, Jorge Galindo are part of the scheme where children are snapped up by thugs and dragged to reunification therapy, camps or adoption centers. These centers operate as private businesses, with no science to support their tortious methods. These"licensed professionals", who operate only in court cases, inflict outright abuse and mind control over children to get them to comply with court orders that often send them to abusive parents. They commit perjury and doctor reports for favored lawyers and under the protection of corrupt district attorneys and judges. The abuse has gotten so bad, so systemic, that parents have hired private investigators to follow the Galindo's activities which reportedly include trafficking children out of state with the knowledge and assistance of employees in the local district attorney offices. According to the Mitchell Papers, connections with local family law attorneys and members of county DA offices is critical to the operation of the network. Secret deals with the DA provides family law attorneys to bring fake domestic violence claims against a party who can't afford a lawyer. These allegations would never be supported in a criminal case, and DAs regularly refuse to prosecute domestic violence until there is a high profile murder involved. In Santa Clara, Elise Mitchell, Heather Allan, Richard Roggia, Jim Hoover, Catherine Bechtel, Sean Onderick. Hector Moreno, and Valerie Houghton are documented to be working with David Yamasaki, to identify cases up and down that state that are ripe for dragging into the enterprise. Once young children are involved, Dr. Rebecca Bailey and her reunification camps trafficked children once they have been permanently isolated from a protective parent. If children are teens, the abuse is imposed by threats of CPS, foster care, or incarceration. The Mitchell papers also show payoffs to private law schools who bring in students for volunteer and pro bono work that assists the enterprise, and expands the corruption to college campuses where students are paid for their work as " nannies" and " tutors" to avoid detection from the taxing authorities. Private Judging The worse cases are those involving private judges. Private judging involves a core group of retired judges contracted through JAMS and unqualified lawyers whose appointments are rubber stamped by judges in on the scheme. Most parents have no idea what private judges can mean to their lives. Private judging is the mastermind of Mr. Yamasaki. A scheme that was assisted by former court Public Information Officer Joe Macaluso and the court lawyers Lisa Herrick and Michael Roddy, who assist in covering up the criminal conduct imposed on court users. Innocent spouses are often duped into agreeing to private judging after they are told it will be " faster, cheaper and more confidential", This is the pattern shown in interviews with parties subject to private judge cases. These spouses describe a world of horror that lasts 5- 10 years, where there is no getting out and where lawyers feed on their home equity with liens and drain college and retirement savings accounts by way of their own orders. Hundreds of millions of dollars are being converted to a criminal enterprise through this scheme and David Yamasaki's role is head master of secreting the activity for lawyers and private judges who are part of the enterprise. Yamasaki is paid for his contribution to the enterprise through kickbacks and rebates from the private judges and tech companies contracted with the court based on Yamasaki's assistance. Rebates to government employees are nearly impossible for the media to detect. Children and parents report the enterprise is virtually unstoppable. State legislators ignore the practice, as it fuels lobbyists who keep them in office. Judges feed the enterprise with court orders, earning opportunity to enter the enterprise themselves following formal retirement and spoils of a public pension. The worst, are the lawyers who are separating families, drugging and abusing children into silence, and using the courts to prosecute small false criminal cases, while they steal the show with spectacular criminal activity that goes unchecked by local governments and district attorneys. The Violence Against Women Act has fueled an out of control family court system, where false allegations, and abuse are rewarded with legal fees to the most corrupt lawyer presenting the biggest lie and dragging in cases with the most money. All recordings, photos and information about this enterprise operating in California's Family Courts, CPS or law enforcement agencies should be sent to [email protected] Pattern Lawyers are often brought into the enterprise when they experience financial hardship or difficulties. Such difficulties include bankruptcy, divorce, or the costs of raising children attending college and private schools. If you suspect your lawyer could be involved, we want to hear from you! Spouses involved in these cases, you can contact us and we will provide you with a secure method of communication.
Los Angeles Family Court - Judge Bribes - Orange County Money Laundering Today How Lawyers get the Cash to Judges: Then and Now
Fueled by increases in home equity and Silicon Valley tech and social media companies, California's family courts have become some of the worst in the nation. Five days a week, California's family court judges oversee divorce and custody cases where hundreds of children are being separated from their parents for nothing more than money. CPS workers in every county are known to be lying in order to put kids in foster care, which earns a county $6,000 per kid and up to $500,000 for private divorce lawyers and court appointed experts. In the Mitchell Papers, discovered last year at a San Jose elite private high school, cash payments, bank records and mortgage fraud documentation linking family court judges, custody experts and payments to cops, court reporters and politicians were discovered. The most startling was a complex referral system designed by court clerk David Yamasaki to dragnet families into the system as a means of feeding children to an multistate trafficking ring operating in California, Arizona, Alabama, Florida and Texas. Yamasaki used court employees working in Family Court Services, county CPS workers or court appointed lawyers to execute the scheme. More Details on How the Criminal Enterprise Works: Unknowingly, parents are duped into corrupt enterprises where divorces now take 5-10 years to complete. Revenge porn. blackmail and claims of " parental alienation" are used to threaten and discredit parents during drawn out divorces. Troubled, autistic or depressed children are groomed for sex trafficking rings for the benefit of high profile pedophiles or abusers. It is only a matter of time before these children begin to exhibit truancy or academic decline because of the drawn out divorce proceedings their parents are subjected to. According to leaked documents in the Mitchell Papers, infamous attorney Gloria Allred had evidence of how these enterprises work, but after making an appearance in the documentary film, Divorce Corp, she was blacklisted and threatened from coming into counties where the enterprise was firmly established and where lawyers had the protection of corrupt district attorneys including in Orange, Sacramento, Contra Costa and Santa Clara. In Contra Costa, the indictment and disbarring of former DA Mark Peterson, opened the books on some of the corruption. . The voting out of DA Tony Racauckas in Orange County has opened that county's family courts to investigations by newly elected Todd Spitzer. In Santa Clara County DA Jeff Rosen is reportedly under federal investigation for voter fraud and election tapering during the 2018 recall of Judge Aaron Persky, who was once a family court judge. The Mitchell Papers show: how the enterprise works: When a spouse consults a family law attorney, the office staff runs a Lexis check to determine assets available and links to businesses these lawyers and associated local politicians seek to acquire information on. Potential cases are discussed at social meetings anchored by local bar associations. These association often claim to provide referrals, and charge upwards of $100 simply to give the name of one of their members. However the referrals are anything but random. They are stacked in favor of diverting cases to what is essentially a criminal enterprise that will convert community and business assets for their profits and political gains. Most insidious are the referrals made following a 911 call to law enforcement agencies, where corrupt cops alert local divorce lawyers to a potential domestic violence matter, which can add $100-200,000 in fees to a divorce or custody case. In family law cases domestic violence is often secreted for years, then claims are made by an abusive spouse looking for a litigation advantage in the divorce case. First one to claim DV, often wins. Before a divorce, custody or domestic violence goes to court, the enterprise is already in place, planning and scheming how to take money from families during a time of emotional and financial distress. Parental Alienation, a made up family court phrase , is used to signal for a judge to make court appointments and begin the process of taking the family home and separating children to feed money to the enterprise. Once a lawyer puts this phrase in a legal pleading, a judge will be biased toward the parent claimed to be " alienating" a child. Richard Gardener was the founder of this term. It is junk science rejected by physiologists across the globe, but it continues to be used by unethical lawyers and corrupt judges to earn more money in divorce and custody cases. All divorcing couples tend to say or do things that harm their children during a separation, but it is the inciting of conflict in the courts that makes these issues the most damaging to families. Court CEO, David Yamasaki, the architect of the corruption, uses county and state workers employed in Santa Clara and Orange County to feed the corruption. Newly into his court appointment in Orange County, David Yamasaki began recruiting lawyers, experts and court employees to extend the Santa Clara County criminal enterprise to Southern California. Tom Tuttle, Keith Dolnick and David Weinberg were hand selected by Yamasaki to run the operation that included money laundering and bribery. Children are used as commodities and houses are sold for payments to the enterprise. In Santa Clara County Yamasaki regularly worked with the Saher Stephan in the DA's office to get the county to pay corrupt experts linked to the county's criminal cases. Private lawyers Yamasaki recruited included Walter Hammon, who had been in trouble with the State Bar related to is trust account, and Rebekah Frye, who was known to cover up suicides and pedophile rings for the DA dating back to 2002. Leah Amini, Jason Pintar, Annie Fortino, Richard Roggia, Irwin Joseph, Laura Perry, Suzanne Mulkern, Valerie Houghton and Heather Allan, Eva Martelle, Elise Mitchell, BJ Fadem and Dmitry Stadlin are also noted in Yamasaki's referral notes linking these private lawyers to cases covering up money laundering, domestic violence cases and sex trafficking of young girls and boys whose parents are snagged into family court cases. Attorneys Debra Crawford and Katherine Dorset operate sex trafficking and money laundering through Monterey county CPS for the family courts there. The Mitchell papers show Yamsaski reportedly kept naked photos from Dorest's lesbian partner for use in a custody battle as a return of favors for the corrupt acts Dorest had committed in the county's family courts that earned her some protection. Rebekah Frye was documented reporting that divorce lawyers " own the cops", because of the racket that typically is used to benefit lawyers and cops when they are involved their own personal divorce case. Stashed in the Mitchell papers were also USB drives filled with recordings of local prosecutors, including James Gibbons-Shapiro, who appears to use his office to arrange sex trafficking of victims across state lines for the enterprise. Yamasaki, who apparently looks for financial and addiction problems to attract lawyers to the enterprise, for example, Frye an admitted alcoholic, regularly gets appointed to represent children. Dolnick, a three time bar exam failure, with a troubled financial past, has connections from his brother, a judge, which got him into the centerpiece. Yamasaki , perhaps for self-protection, also documented cash payments and bribes to CPS and Family Court Services personnel in both Orange and Santa Clara County. Tracy Fleming, Jason Magers, Lori Penn, and Orange County CPS employee Gene Nishimoto are reported to have earned over $200,000 a year in bribes for issuing false reports that judges use to justify taking children from parents in a family court proceeding. An audit of the most corrupt cases show primarily mothers losing custody to keep the enterprise firmly in place.
Orange County- Santa Clara County Ground ZeroProblems in Orange County have been known since staggering CPS settlements , the jailhouse snitch programs and the traffic court scandal, but family court has been ground zero for separating families and stealing money using domestic violence and parental alienation to drag out cases, keeping more money for the county's family law criminal enterprise. Since 1996 when the OJ Simpson trial pushed domestic violence and family court corruption into the public eye for the first time, the enterprise has evolved. The Mitchell Papers show that lawyers under bankruptcy or financial pressure are brought into the enterprise where cash payments are made on their homes and business rentals, in a manner secreted from taxing authorities. Lawyers also keep under lock and key blackmailing materials to pull out to discredit a spouse during a divorce case. As long as the state legislature turns a blind eye on family court corruption, it is likely to continue to harm another generation of children. Parents and Kids Recording the Cops & CPSAs more parents unite. they are recording the police, CPS and even custody evaluators as a form of protection from persons willing to lie under oath for a corrupt motive.
" Record everything", advises one mother who lost her daughter during a divorce case before private judge David Weinberg. " the corruption in California's family courts is mind bending. They all know and recording to expose them is our only defense. Even my daughter records her abusers and the court appointed experts. She is smart enough to know someday someone in mainstream media will be bold enough to finally report what has really been going on in our family courts. ". |
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