Elise Mitchell Real Estate Bribery SchemeCaliornia's State Auditor issued a report on lawyers appointed for children during their parent's divorce after complaints from Marin and Sacramento Counties showed lawyers padding thier bills and gouging parents and taxpayers for work that did little for the best interests of children. Minor's counsel appointments are the gateway appointment to scams lawyers run in connection with family law matters. A divorce or cusotdy case where lawyers claim " high conflict " between parents will see a judge quickly appoint a favored lawyer as Minor's Counsel in a case. The appointment provides lawyers with immunituy to issue reports and advocate for children. In reality the appointments serve as permission to bill and bill families until there is no money left in a community property estate subject to division. Parents are forced to go into debt in order to pay lawyers to tell them how to feed, cloth, educate and support thier children. Minor's counsel are not required to make financial or other disclosures so they often sit in cases where they own businesses with other lawyers, or the judge. It was said that the auditor uncovered the scheme in Marin and Sacramento that had been running as designed by Tani Cantil Sakauye who sat in family court before the Third District Court of Appeal . She was appointed as the California Supreme Court Judge in 2011, where she not only did nothing to curb the appointments, she moved thorugh local bar associations and clubs in San Jose , Monterey, LA and Orange County to expand them. In Santa Clara she worked directly with former stte bar Chief Trial Counsel Jim Towery and his wife Karyn Sinunu to expand the corrupt practice of profiting from harming kids and robbing families. Minor's Counsel Bring in Funding for Foster Care and CPSIn Santa Clara, Monerey, LA and Orange County , the small group of lawyers acting as minor's counsel stand as look out for lawyers involved in real estate schemes, charity fraud and the lucrative practice of private judging. Lawyers are vetted by how well they will be team players. Then with a few hours of training, they are appointment ready, If they incite conflict suffienctly, they can remain in a case for a decade until the children age out of the court's jurisdciton. Elise Mitchell is a Black female attorney in Santa Clara, When the court got pressure for the lack of diversity on the Minor's Counsel pandel, Mitchell was brougth in my Jim Towery and groomed for appointments after she drew in a case where she represented a NFL football player. Mitchell then got conencted to the domestic violence scam connected to charties including Women SV, and Judge Cindy Hendrickson who replaced Judge Persky on the bench. Hendrickson and Mitchell's ties to local Catholic Schools saw them grooming cases to send kids to foster care to earn the county more money and net them kickbacks in real estate and dark money. As Mitchell suceeeded she was appointed in cases where lawyers playing for the private judge team would defend her minconduct and criminality., Mitchell was awarded a secret real estate deal in Alameda County where she was charged with expanding the enterprise and rewarded with kickbacks for getting Heather Allan, Jessica Huey , BJ Fadem Eva Martel or Nicole Ford appointed in a case where she represents a client seeking to use the courts to abuse a former spouse or parent of a child shared in common. Accounting records accidentially leaked by Mitchell's office, run by her children. show such payments from a grandma, Rosalie Black Baker , and others and how those payments used to bribe judges in Santa Clara and Alameda. The payments also bribe cops, CPS workers and therapists who will recommend children are placed in foster care for the right pay off price. Mitchell has also assured payments to lawyers appointed in LA and Orange County as an escalation of minor's counsel and cusotdy experts appointments see judges sending kids to foster care or charity reunificaiton camps that kick back referral fees to minor's counsel, district attoney election campaigns and judges through real estate schemes. Payments documented between Mitchell and Orange County mnior's counsel Cherly Edgar and Tracy Willis show a pattern that reveals judges who are in on the bribery scam and benefit from real esate kickbacks. Payments to Orange County Minor's Counsel Steve Dragna and Kelly Irwin along with payments to Anaheim police officer Mark Irwin connect the dots of minor's counsel and Disney lawyers who paid off Judge Cowan in the probate case linked to Walt Disney's grandson where Judge Cowan victim shamed Bradford Lund for having Down Syndrome after conserving Lund and denying him the ability to manage the money left to him by his grandfather, Walt Disney. Like Britney Spears Lund has been locked deep inside LA probate court in a horrifically corrupt conservatorship. The unhappiest place on earth and just down the street from Disneyland where Disney's wealth was built. Minor's Counsel Appointments Force Parents to Lucrative Private Judge Cases at JAMSAttorney Ed Navarro has been dubbed the children's assasssin in Los Angeles County. Ed is regualrly appointed in cases with Dennis Wasser , Lisa Meyer , Christopher Melcher and Ron Brot. . Navarro brings in custody experts and therapists associated with Family Bridges and Overcoming Barriers.. He is also linked to psycologists from UCLA and UC Irvine to discredit the mental health and sobreity of parents and their children. Navarro is known for making the pressure so great, and billing hundreds of thousands of dollars to apply pressure to get parents to agree to use a private judge, with no questions asked. Los Angeles County District Attonrey George Gascon has been seen getting payments in crytocurrency and real estate kickbacks to look the other way when middle class and high asset family law litigants use private judging to cover up fraud and child abuse. Noise from parents losing cusotdy of their children has grown louder and has been linked to the noise in the Lund and Spears Conservartorships. As a result reporters from the Los Anegeles Times, NBC, Pro Publica and Wall Street Journal have begun asking questions and making records requests about California's family courts.
These media requests are said to be reponsible for Chief Justice Tani Cantil Sakauye's sudden annoucement to resign as the minor's counsel and private judge scams in California's family courts begin to be revealed.
8/7/2022 08:12:32 am
The criminal organization of CA is in operation everyday. The law is being used as a tool in each of the organized crimes.
Valerie mcginnis
9/2/2022 10:35:15 pm
Please help my 7 year w autism who has been removed with no basis by eva martel judge towery and joanne yee 6502791515
Julie Haskell
10/18/2022 05:34:42 pm
I have a recording of Elise Mitchel demanding a litigant sign over her house to her. Elise Mitchell is a monster.
4/15/2024 12:22:11 pm
I have one of her calling her client a f****** bitch after she hung up the phone with her and started discussing her case in front of the everyone waiting outside on recess
High Tech Mom
7/3/2023 01:12:16 pm
I am a mom of three, a tech employee and always maintained a clean record and good judgement.
Julie Haskell
7/28/2023 08:25:08 am
We are in a support group for family court victims…please email me to join us if you like..
George Hermann
11/14/2023 12:10:58 am
My children and I have been abused and financially fleeced by what can only be logically concluded as a corrupt and/or grossly incompetent behavior by family law judge, minors counsel and child custody “expert”. A deliberate coverup of proven abuse by mother towards spouse and her multiple children for no logical reason than corruption due to financial incentives.
Kristina Smith
6/29/2024 09:20:18 am
Request to join - children victims
Lisa Martinez
7/27/2023 10:03:22 pm
There was this old hag minor's counsel in Hayward Hall of Justice. I was there for another case watching, but she seemed very conniving and like a child molester. These minor's counsel's and Judges should be investigated. There should be an undercover task force to see what really goes on behind the scenes when there are pretending they are for the best interest of the kids when that couldn't be further from the truth.
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